10 Foods That Will Turn Your Teeth Yellow

October 24, 2023

According to the Beverly Hills dentist group, any food that would discolor your white t-shirt will also stain your teeth. Also, certain foods can damage your enamel, which is the white layer on the surface of your teeth that gives them their sheen. The layer below the enamel is called dentin, which is considerably less brilliant than the enamel. Certain foods and drinks can destroy the enamel and leave only the dentin, which gives your teeth a duller, yellow look.

We have compiled a list of the top ten food and drinks that people should avoid to keep their teeth looking their whitest.


The dark nature of cola makes them horrible on your teeth. Also, the sugar enriched syrups are horrible for teeth. To add injury to insult, drinking extremely cold beverages causes teeth to absorb the color even more. Avoid colas.

White and Red Wine:

Most people are familiar with the fact that red wine can stain your teeth, however, few people realize that white wine can be just as damaging. Wine contains a chemical called tannin, which can stain your teeth.

Tomato Sauce:

As good as tomato sauce is with spaghetti or tomato soup, it is one of the worst things for your teeth, both because of its coloration and because of its acidic nature.


Coffee is naturally very dark in coloration, and the caffeine is also very damaging to the enamel. To avoid the adverse effects of drinking coffee on your teeth, add more milk to make it less dark, or brush your teeth directly after drinking a cup.


Curry is a delicious food that is common in many parts of the world. However, as good as it tastes, it is conversely bad for your teeth. The ingredients that give it its yellow tint also cause it to stain your teeth.


Tea is another caffeine-infused drink that can damage your teeth. Similar to coffee, black or breakfast tea can leave a dark stain on your teeth. To avoid discoloring your teeth with tea, try drinking green tea or any other tea that is not infused with caffeine or which is not dark in color.


Imagine the way that berries stain your white clothes. They have similar effects on your teeth. They are nutritious and good for you, but stain your teeth, so brush your teeth after a serving of berries.

Soy Sauce:

The dark coloration of soy sauce and its inorganic nature make it horrible on your teeth.


Imagine how beets stain your clothes. They do the same to your teeth. If you are going to eat beets, make sure you brush your teeth afterwards.

Balsamic Vinegar:

Balsamic vinegar has a chemical compound that ruins the enamel of your teeth. Fortunately, if you eat it with on a salad, the salad tends to diminish the effects.

Source: http://www.zadehdentistry.com/10-foods-that-will-turn-your-teeth-yellow/

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